Find out how the Dawson family saved hundreds a year on their energy bills Meet Andy, Joanne, James and Catharine Dawson. Like many families in the UK, they’re faced with energy prices that, bar the odd fleeting exception, are constantly rising. When you have a 3 bedroom house with 2 TVs, an Xbox, 2 radios, washing machines, dryers, computers and kids that are always leaving the lights on when they leave a room, keeping your bills down feels like an impossible task. And that's where
LEDHut come in. We asked the Dawsons which electrical item in their home consumed the most energy and they ranked lighting at the bottom. They weren't alone in their assumptions either, as we posed the same question in a survey to over 2000 people across the UK:

Which electrical item consumes the most energy in your home?
As you can see, lighting is actually the
2nd highest consumer of energy in your household. So we approached the Dawsons with a solution: simply switch all the light bulbs in your home to super energy-efficient LEDs that consume up to 90% less energy and see what you can save. Their 3 bedroom house consisted of 25
GU10 spotlights, 8
candle shaped bulbs and 7 CFL bulbs. We swapped them all over to LED equivalents, and installation was quick and easy as they're designed to fit seamlessley into existing household fittings.
Hundreds saved Over the year, they saved £412 on their energy bills, which they put towards a weekend away in the Lake District. Not only that, but thanks to the bulb’s 12 year lifespan, they’ll rack up savings of £4944.

Naturally, the Dawsons were sceptical at first, given that LEDs are initially more expensive than their incandescent equivalents. However, within 6 months, they found they had saved enough on their energy bills to cover the investment. “It’s always a battle keeping bills down” said Andy, “So when LEDHut approached us, we thought we’d give it a go. We’ve saved hundreds and the quality of the light itself is better”. For Joanne, the bulb’s extra-long 12 year lifespan is a massive bonus. ‘I found myself constantly changing bulbs that burst and blew - it ended up being a weekly chore. Since installing these LEDs, I haven’t had to change a bulb once.”
Save money and help the planet At LEDHut, we joined forces with property guru Sarah Beeny to help the spread the word of LED. Not only for their money saving qualities, but also how they help the environment. “With energy bills continuing to soar, it’s time people became savvier in the home” says Sarah “Our campaign is urging us all to become more energy conscious in our everyday lives, and highlights how small, simple changes like switching our light bulbs can make a huge difference – not just to our wallets, but to the environment too.” Are you interested in switching over to LED? Have a browse through our range
here and find out how much you can save.