Halloween is fast approaching, which means it's time to bring-out the mandatory Jack O'Lantern but why not make an LED Halloween Pumpkin? Traditionally, a real candle would be used to beam light through a freshly-carved and ghoulish face, but candles with a real flame can be dangerous and messy. When you get down to making a scary-pumpkin, you want child-friendly decoration where everyone can get involved with creating the ultimate Jack O'Lantern. This is where
LED candles come in.
- No fire risk
- Real flame effect
- No risk of harming children
- Safe to place anywhere
- Can be left unattended
- No mess to clean up
- Children can join in making the pumpkins and lighting them
LED Candles come in a range of sizes and styles, with a load of options too. You can go for a standard tealight model, or go all the way and treat yourself to a remote controlled real wax model. To show you how easy and safe it is for your little one to join in and make the ultimate Halloween decoration, Eliza - our youngest ever LED Hut employee - has kindly illustrated it here for us. First start by drawing the face or shape you wish to see through the pumkin. Sometimes using a stencil makes this easier.

Now to cut a whole in the top to place your
LED wax candle in and then scoop out the inside of the pumpkin. This can be messy work!

Now it's time to cut out the face of your pumpkin. Eliza here is doing a good job of pulling the same face herself!

Next it's timeto put your flame effect LED candles into your finished pumpkins and enjoy. The light flickers through the cut outs perfectly giving the same result as with a real candle but with none of the disadvantages. You can place your finished pieces wherever you like in your home safe in the knowledge that no one will get hurt or nothing will get damaged.
Shop LED Candles
 Real Wax LED Candle Set with Remote Control
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