It's awards season in Hollywood and the height of the film ceremonies are The Oscars, which take place on 28
th February. As the UK’s
LED Lighting Specialists, we've decided to shine an alternativespotlight on LA's event of the year. The way a film looks is a huge factor on how it’s received. This could be from the type of film used, lighting, location or amount of CGI. Obviously - lighting is close to our heart - but we thought we’d take it a step further, how would The Oscars look under our lighting? A benefit of LED lighting is that you have the choice of a variety of colours to light up your space. In our light bulb range you have the option of Warm white, Daylight and Cool White to choose from. There are also many multi-coloured bulbs to pick from too. Today we going to see how Hollywood superstars would look under LED lighting.

Leonardo Dicaprio has been nominated for six Academy Awards but has failed to come away with a gong, however many are tipping the hearthrob to pick-up an award for his role in The Revenant this time around. The survival film is also nominated for Best Picture, Cinematography, Directing, Supporting Actor, Costume Designer, Sound Editing, Film Editing, Sound Mixing, Production Design, Makeup & Hair and Visual Effects. Above you can see Leo in Warm White, Daylight and Cool White.
- Warm White is a cosy form of light. It has a yellow/orange glow and is similar to traditional lighting. WW bulbs are commonly used in living areas built to relax in.
- Daylight is close to natural light and is a compromise between Warm and Cool Light, so it can be used anywhere around your home.
- Cool white is a crisp, bright light and goes well with modern design as it gives a clean finish. People choose to use CW LED bulbs in rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Brooklyn is a story of love, with main protagonist Elis Lacey torn between New York and Ireland deliberating whereher heart truly lies. The film, written by Nicky Hornby, is up for Best Picture, Actress and Writing. When Brooklyn is lit up by our 3 shades, daylight creates the best effect. This is because daylight replicates natural light and an outdoor setting looks best under sunlight - not too warm and not too cold.

The indie classic Mad Max gets a reboot in the thrilling Fury Road. Tom Hardy picks up from where Mel Gibson left off in the lead role of Max. The film has been nominated for Best Picture,Costume Design,Directing,Visual Effects,Makeup &Hairstyling,Cinematography,Film Editing,Sound Mixing,Production Design andSound Editing.

Spotlight is a film which you may have guessed we like the sound of, even though it's not about LED bulbs (though it definitely should be...). The spotlight is on a child molestation case uncovered by the Boston Globe. Mark Ruffalo above is up for Best Supporting Actor, and the film is also nominated forActress in a Supporting Role, Directing,Film Editing AndOriginal Screenplay.

The Martian is the story of Astronaut (Matt Damon) who is presumed dead and left on Mars by his crew mates. Now he has to somehow survive on his own on an inhabitable planet. Warm white really sets the scene for this intensely hot and tempestuous planet. This film is nominated for Best Picture,Actor in a Leading Role - Matt Damon,Visual Effects,Sound Editing,Writing (Adapted Screenplay),Sound Mixing andProduction Design. Now you've seen Hollywood lit up in warm white, daylight and cool light, why not try it at home? Your stylish new kitchen could look best in cool light, but your cosy living room might suit warm white. To see our
LED spotlights click here > and to view our
LED bulbs click here >