BRITISH LOVEBIRDS will be nesting at home for Valentine’s Day this year, according to new research. A survey of 1,012 UK adults carried out by lighting store, LED Hut, found that 52% are planning on staying at home for their date this Valentine’s Day. Cooking and enjoying a meal (45%) topped the list as the number one thing to do at home for couples on Valentine’s Day. This was closely followed by watching a movie, with 38% of the votes. 33% of those surveyed said listening to music was what they plan to do when staying in with their sweetheart. Not as popular as music, but remaining in the top five, making cocktails came in fourth place (29%). And more than 1 in 5 (21%) said that they play a board game when at home with their significant other on Valentine’s Day.

Paul Garner, Ecommerce & Marketing Director at LED Hut, commented: “Ahead of Valentine’s Day, many partners have already started to think of how to sweep their loved one off their feet, which is great to see. "Whilst going out is always going to be a popular option, many Brits want to add their own unique touches, and what better place to do so than in their own homes? "This trend is being prompted by Netflix, box sets and the fact that it is taking people longer to get on the property ladder, which means it is becoming more customary for people to spend time together at home.” Garner continued: “By planning ahead and setting a romantic mood using everything from the food served to special
mood lighting, the perfect atmosphere can easily be created for your admirer in the home. "Valentine’s Day is a great time to show your other half just how much they mean to you and how much you value them, which is why staying at home is now such a popular option.” Cost was also an important factor when it comes to deciding to stay at home, as 34% of Brits said it was less expensive than going out. The data also revealed that this trend of staying in at Valentine’s Day is most prevalent amongst a younger demographic of those aged 18 – 24 years old.