Every week we compile the most asked questions about LED lighting from customers or people visiting the website. Here is this week's;
Q: Do LEDs really cure baldness?
A: Yes, the more you buy, the more your hair will grow...*

*This was, of course, an April fools prank. As great as our bulbs are, unfortunately they don't grow back hair.
See the full story here Q: What size of transformer do I need for my strip lights?
A: For the 60 small chip size, calculate 5 watts per metre. For 120 small chips, 10 watts per metre, For 60 large chips, calculate 15 watts per metre. We suggest adding another 20% to avoid a potential overload. Eg 5 metres of 60 small chips needs a transformer of a
30W LED transfomer Q: Can I dim my
strip lighting?
A: Yes. With a dimmable transformer. However, for RGB strip lighting this is not necessary, as this can be dimmed via the controller.
Q: Please explain the B15, B22, E14 and E27
A: These are the end caps on the bulbs. There are 2 sizes of each, B stands for Bayonet, E for Edison, and the number denotes the size B15 is small 15mm bayonet, B22 is the large 22mm bayonet. E14 is small 14mm Edison Screw, E27 is the large 27mm. Shop your required base here
B15B22E14E27 Q: What warranty do I have?
A:2 years as standard on all bulbs, but this can be extended to 5 years upon completion of the form here:
www.ledhut.co.uk/warranty. All other products have a 1 year warranty.