It’s now official:
“Millions of Britons are over overpaying for their energy”. And the most damning thing about this statement is how little it shocks. In response, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have recommended a price-cap. However, the might of the “Big 6” are likely to oppose this vehemently. But there is another way of getting a grip of your bills and taking back control of your energy, and that’s through
MiHome. Lower your energy bills today.... MiHome is a system that records energy use and can help youlower your energy bills, it allows you to control appliances from anywhere in the world, gives you the power to adjust your heating room by room, and much more.
How does it work? The MiHome system is controlled via the MiHome app and includes the following products:
Gateway: This acts as the hub from which all MiHome products communicate with the app. It’s like the router in your home and is essential to the system.
Adapters: Plug your appliance into an adapter and, depending on which adapter you choose, you can; monitor use, control appliances remotely and use features such as Geofencing (more on that later) via the app.
Valves: MiHome radiator valves have a huge effect on your bills and they allow you to control radiators room by room rather than rely on central heating. As with the adapters, they are compatible with a range of other MiHome functions too.
A bit about the App By installing the MiHome app on your Smartphone or Smart device, you’ll have control over your heating, lighting and energy from anywhere in the world. From the app, you can:
- Monitor energy use.
- Control home heating and appliances from anywhere.
- Set timers for individual products or groups of products.
- Operate the Geofencing and IFTTT functions

Two of the outstanding features of the MiHome app are the Geofencing and IFTTT functions. IFTTT works with the radiator valves and stands for “If This Then That”. It lets you create a set of external conditions that affect your heating system. For example, if the weather dips outside, your radiators can be set to automatically come on. Geofencing is a function that reads you real-time location and reacts to it. For instance, if you come within a certain distance of your home, your heating will automatically come on if you’ve pre-set it to do so.
How do I get started? Well, as stated before, a
Gateway is essential. If you don’t have a Gateway, the system won’t work. Also on offer is a
quick starter pack to give you everything you need to get going, and bulk packs that offer the best value. And, of course, you have the option to pick, choose, mix and match from the entire range
here. Still want some more info? Then
this page will give you everything you need to know before purchase. If you have anymore questions, just give us a call on: 0800 458 3440