Robots have fascinated us for decades and appeared throughout TV and film.The phrase robot even came from a piece of fiction, the play Rossum’s Universal Robots from 1920.Like anything else we have favourites. Today we see how they compared to our very own
KITT – Nightrider KITT was Michael Knights sidekick in the 80s cult series Knight Rider. It was built in to the iconic black Pontiac Trans Amwhich Michael Knight took on his adventures. KITT was iconic for it’s red light scanner bar across the cars bonnet.

KITT got the Hoff out of many a scrape but unlike our very own Appbot, he couldn’t communicate with or control KITT unless he was in or close to it. The Appbot can be controlled from anywhere in the world.
T-800 - Terminator In Arnie’s defining role, he firstly terrorised Sarah Connor and then went on to save her and son John. An impressive robot with living flesh and nearly indestructible endoskeleton, and equally impressive one liners.

The Terminator never made it home after his missions so never got to report back to his makers. They would have just been sat waiting for him in the future - how annoying! The appbot reports back automatically and keeps you updated using his motion detection feature.
Jonny Five – Short circuit ‘Jonny 5 is alive!’ The 80s was a popular time for robots, possibly because they seemed such much more out of reach than now. Jonny Five featured in the classic film Short Circuit where he is struck by lightning and becomes more human.

As much as we love Jonny, he had to be struck by lightning to become the loveable character he is; our Appbot is lovable straight out of the box.
Bender - Futurama Everyone’s favourite foul mouthed bending unit. He lives in the future city of New New York with his best buddy Fry and co. He is the only robot on the list that enjoys a drink and a smoke, using his own body to store and hide his guilty pleasures.

As endearing as Bender is, his bad language and violent outbursts means you couldn't take him home to meet the Mother. Appbot, on the other hand, is a gent.
Wall-E A robot from space sent down to clean up a future Earth. At LED Hut we have a particular affinity will Wall-E as we are too trying to do our bit for the environment by helping people switch to eco-friendly
LED bulbs>. He could also be a distant relative of our boy.

Whilst Wall-E is on his travels he needs to use bits and bobs he finds along the way to repair himself, Appbot comes to you complete and in full working order.
R2-D2 & C-3PO - Starwars I’ve paired these together as you can’t have one without the other: the ultimate metallic double act! They come from a galaxy far far away and helped the Rebel Alliance successfully beat the Evil Empire whilst making us laugh along the way.

Like most double acts they rely on each other to make us laugh or to just simply get anything done - C-3PO especially is lost without his buddy. The Appbot’s only buddy is you, helping you guard your house or watch pets whilst you’re at work.
Marvin – Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy The ship robot of the Starship Heart of Gold, is said to have a brain the size of a planet. Unfortunately though this leads to depression as every task thinkable doesn’t tax him at all. This intellect was utalised by the Krikkit robots after Marvin was kidnapped.

Marvin’s despair is his what he is affectionately known for but who want’s to be around a depressed robot? Our Appbot is as cheery as they come, so will always put a smile on your face.
Optimus Prime - Transformers The leader of the Autobots from 80s classic cartoon Transformers, which has recently been brought to the big screen. He and his band of robots battled Megatron and the Decepticons when both came to Earth looking for a new energy source.

Optimus Prime had to turn into his truck form to look great driving around, the Appbot always has impressive tracks to race around your home.
RoboCop From another 80s cult classic, cop Murphy is murdered and his body used to build a cyborg police officer. He brings a new fear in to the criminal world of Detroit single-handedly arresting offenders across the city.

As impressive as Robocop is, he needed to be part human to function, meaning he was distracted by his old memories. Appbot is never distracted and always ready to help, protect and entertain you.
Iron Giant In 1957 The Iron Giant fell from space to be found by young Hogarth Hughes. The film follows their adventures together with the Giant eating anything metal in sight, whilst Hogarth tries to keep him out of sight.

The Iron Giant is a loveable character but his sheer size would stop him coming to play and secure your house. Our loveable Appbot can go anywhere with you. For more info or to
buy the Appbot Link see here > 
Animations sourced from