There are many lighting options out there, including; incandescent, halogen, CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) and LED bulbs. Each have their own advantages, but as this article will show you, there's only really one winner.
Cheaper to Run LEDs use less energy to produce the same level of light as their less efficient counterparts, which in turns saves you a lot of money on your energy bills. This saving can be up to as much as 90%, which over the life of a bulb can be a considerable amount.

This superior performance comes from the way LEDs are uniquely constructed. Traditional bulbs pass a current through a thin metal wire to produce light -
LEDs create light by utalising the movement of electrons, which is far more efficient. You might not think that the savings made from switching to LED would be sufficient enough to notice, but this isn’t the case. Lighting is the 2
nd highest energy usage in the home, only your cold appliances (fridges and freezers) use more. If you choose LEDs over incandescent, halogen or CFLs you could be saving 90% on your 2
nd highest electricity cost, which adds up over time. In most cases you'll see a return on your investment in LED bulbs within 6 months through saving money on your bills.
Longevity LED bulbs last a considerably longer time than any of the other options. Everyone who has incandescent or halogen bulbs in their home have experienced the annoyance of regularly changing blown bulbs. LEDs last 25,000 hours, or 11.4 years based on average use. Our bulbs all carry a 5 year warranty, so you can be assured that your bulb will last for years to come no matter what. Along with a longer lifespan, LEDs are also more technologically advanced. Traditional bulbs are made of glass and have delicate metal wire filaments, which regularly break meaning they have to be changed often. LEDs have a hard outer shell usually made of a combination of plastic and metal, protecting the inner workings from damage. The technology inside that creates the light is also far more robust than a wire filament further safeguarding against breakages.
No Installation Needed One misconception about LED bulbs is that they are a new technology that needs new specialised fittings to use; this isn’t so. All our LED bulbs are the same standard fittings that you’ll have in your home right now. This is for both spotlights and normal bulbs. You can simply swap your old bulb from any lamp or light fitting with a new LED bulb. You can see the different fittings we stock below:
More options with LEDs Unlike with traditional lighting, LEDs give you many colour options to pick from. To create the perfect mood for each room in your home, you can choose from a selection of different light tones. The majority of LED bulbs come in Warm White, Daylight and Cool White. These, as the names suggest, are different tones of white light – each producing a brightness that suits your decor and surroundings. Warm White is usually used in living spaces for a comfy feeling, Daylight replicates natural light and Cool White is a brighter, bluer light best suited to clean areas such as a kitchen or bathroom. For more detail on which tone of light is best for you, see
this article here.