On Bright Ideas we look at everything and anything about lighting, whether it's practical or inspirational, techy or stylish, we'll cover it. In this postwe look at the brighter side of lighting (pun intended) and the weird and 'wonderful' ways in which people use LEDs around the home.
When The Moment Takes You 
Everyone loves a bit of toilet humor (go on, admit it), but as funny as these loo light are, they have a practical purpose too. Late night visits will no longer be guess work and any *aim* mishaps will be avoided.
What Do You Read In To This? 
This lamp brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Reading Lamp'. But would itencourage you to pick up a book though? In all honesty, probably not...
You'd Be DARFT Not To Like This 
Talking of reading lights, even super villains like to swat up with a good 'How To' guide in bed.I think the first tip would be to lose the PJs.
Man I Love This Light 
A couple of very creative lights here, presumably home made. I hope this inspires more people to be creative with lighting. Watch out for our efforts.
A Super Lamp 
Nice to see our helpful friend LED Man hasinspired this lamp (which has nothing to do with Iron Man, of course...). It may be more for look than function but you've got to admit it looks great.
Lights On Until It's Game Over 
Who doesn’tlovesa bit of nostalgia and embracing their inner child. I don’t know about you but I spent hours playing Mario so this lamp brings back great memories. However, the temptation to jump up and release a magic mushroom might prove too great…
Back Of The Net! 
I'll admit this light is an indulgence on my part as I was a budding basketball player until I abruptly stopped growing. However, basketball fan or not, you have to admire this floating, wireless light.
Are You Turned On? 
Light fittings don't need to have all the fun, even boring ol' switches can get in on the act too. American switches in particular lend themselves well to 'naughtier' imagery, butI don't thinkwe need to go into any more detail on this one...
All imagery found onpinterest.com