GET CREATIVE - Fairy Lights Part 2
24 March 2015

Here’s our 2nd installment of GET CREATIVE - Fairy Lights - our look at how you can use different lighting displays to great effect. In this part, we look at how LED fairy lights can bring a vase or jar to life, and the best bit is, it's really easy to do. These striking pink fairy lights add a splash of colour, which can turn mundane household items into unique focal points. Here, we see how they contrast with a dark backdrop and bring to life the vase that holds them.

These large jars came to us full of popcorn, but the office was more interested in how the impressive jar could be reused, rather than how quickly they could consume the popcorn. Sweets, money, pebbles and pasta were all discussed, but before we raffled them off for charity we had to give them the lighting make-over.