Wired vs Wireless Garden Lights - Which Are Best for Your Garden?
6 June 2017

Wireless garden lights allow you to use them in many locations and even move them to suit your needs. The mobile power source such as solar or battery make them very versatile. Wired garden lights require cabling whether this be a plug and play light or mains powered. This does make them slightly restrictive if you want to use them in various ways. If you have one use in mind for them there’s not constraint and remain a good option.
Light quality
At LED Hut we have LED floodlights that go up to 15,000 lumens which is more than enough for a garden. Lights such as this have to be mains powered to run this 200w product. Our most powerful wireless garden light is a battery powered head spotlight which produces 500 lumens. The quality of light can be dependent on the item you choose and its build quality but in general wired lights are brighter. You may need the brighter light though that a wired garden light is capable of though.Cost
Again the quality of the product you pick may determine this. As a rule though wireless outdoor lights are usually cheaper due to them being simpler and less powerful. Be careful not to let your choice be determined by price, make sure the light fits your requirements. As an addition is the cost of running your light, both options differ here. Wireless solar garden lights have no running costs as they are charged by the sun and turn on once the sun sets. Wired lights run from your electricity supply which comes at a cost.
You want to make sure your garden lights last for years to come but which lasts longer, wired or wireless garden lights? All garden lights should be at least IP43 rated to make sure they’re safe and will last outdoors (see here for more info on IP ratings). Wired lights tend be higher rated that wireless as they are connected to the mains power – no risk can be taken with electricity. Using solar power or battery are safer so can afford to be the minimum rating to withstand the weather.
Not everyone is a master of DIY or an electrician, so it can be important to be able to install your garden lights with ease. Wireless garden lights require no cables or wiring so very little skill is required to install. The only installation needed may be a few screws to attach your light to a wall, shed or tree. A lot of lights are available as a spike so simply pushed into the ground. Wired garden lights do require a level of electrical knowledge if they are to be mains powered. There are plug and play wired lights that simply plug in to an outdoor socket. The conclusion to the battle of wired vs wireless garden lighting is that there isn’t a clear winner. Your preferences and requirements will sway which option is best for you. Below we’ve produced a chart to help you.