A well-lit garden path can be the centrepiece of your garden in the evenings if you do it correctly. If you want garden path lights but don’t have a lot of time to spend on choosing them, here are four options that are fast, easy and affordable.
Solar spike lights for garden paths
Solar powered spike lights can be used along the edges of a garden path to provide illumination and decoration. The light is mounted on a spike that you simply push into the ground, which makes them very easy to install, and because they are solar powered there are no on-going running costs.
Battery path lights
Battery powered path lights are lights that shine directly onto the path, and are either mounted on a spike or screwed directly onto an adjacent wall. This provides a more focused beam of light, which works better with wider garden paths. The advantage of using these lights over solar powered spike lights is that they emit a brighter light due to the increased power that the batteries provide.
 Solar Spike Lights
 Battery Path Lights
Battery outdoor spotlights
Battery powered spotlights can be used to effectively light a garden path as long as there is something adjacent to the path that you can secure them to, such as a tree, wall or garden shed. These lights produce a lot of light, so you do not need too many. This can of course be a negative attribute if you’re trying to create ambience. If you overdo it slightly you will wash out the effects of any of the more subtle garden lighting methods you are using. Consider battery powered spotlights if the path you are illuminating is quite wide and part of a large garden.
Candle light
At the opposite end of the spectrum to spotlights is candle light. These can be utilised along the edges of garden paths to create an attractive look. Simply place your candles in glass jars, or clean and polish or paint a tin can and punch holes in it. You can also use LED candles, which last longer than normal candles and aren’t affected by the wind!
 Battery Spotlight
 LED Candles
You can view our entire
range of garden lights here, and if you have any questions you can reach one of our experts on 0333 77 22 111, or simply leave a comment below.