Jake Dyson, son of Sir James, has developed a ground-breaking LED desk lamp that’s been designed to last 37 years based on average use. Part of Jake Dyson’s CSYS range, the lamp - which is priced at £399 - comes with an incredible 160,000 hour life span. It works by using heat pipe technology that draws heat from the LEDs, and is then dispersed through an aluminium sink before a warm white light is emitted. This helps protect the LEDs from heat-related damage to its phosphorus coating which is often the cause of degradation in brightness and light quality over time. As ever with Dyson products, the lamp features design elements that are both intricate and stylish. Displaying a crane-like appearance with sharp contours and a weighted zinc base that can rotate 360 degrees, the lamp is typically contemporary and built on the visionary design principles that are synonymous with the Dyson brand.

Photo credit: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/06/10/dysons-new-lamp-uses-tech-from-satellites-and-lasts-for-37-years_n_7552958.html
Unlike conventional lamps that rely on springs to stay in position, the new Dyson lamps engage the power of gravity. They also come with touch sensitive dimming control and dimmer memory technology that remembers the lamp’s brightness level even after you’ve turned it off. Sir James Dyson had recently bought his son’s light company, Jake Dyson Products, in 2014 to form a part of the Dyson Group, and is one of four categories that the company has pledged to introduce in the next 4 years.