Throughout time inventions have changed the way we live, be it in work or play. Today we’re looking at our top ten, and to avoid favouritism we’ve put them in the order they were invented. Unapologetically we obviously have our own favorite, but which was yours?
The Wheel - 3500 BC Without this invention we wouldn’t now be enjoying wagon wheels or pizzas.
The printing press – 2nd Century Once upon a time people actually had to have nice hand writing for others to read their stories and work.
The compass – 9th-10th century Unfortunately now not as useful since the birth of GPS. It had a good run though.
Steam Engine – 1712 (Thomas Newcomen – first practical use) This is the horse population’s favourite as trains gave them a well-earned rest on long journeys.
Fridge – 1805 (Oliver Evans) We’d all be drinking warm beer if it wasn’t for good old Oliver!
Telephone – 1876 (Alexander Graham Bell) If Mr Bell knew how PPI companies would abuse his great invention he might have thought twice.
Light Bulb – 1879 (Thomas Edison) Where do we start; I’ll leave out our personal opinions about how great the
light bulb is as candle makers weren’t as chuffed about its arrival.
Internal combustion engine – end of 19th century The younger me loves this invention as Wacky Races wouldn’t have been made without it.
Computer – Early 20th Century An invention that can give us so much pleasure and makes our lives easier but also gives us so much frustration. ‘Are you sure’ I was until you made me second guess myself!!
Penicillin – 1928 (Alexander Fleming) Accidents do happen and in this case we’re glad it did.

If you haveany inventions that you think should have been included tell us below and we'll add them. Images courtesy of